On behalf of NISC’s Board of Directors, we encourage you to review our 2023-2024 Annual Report, which lists many of the milestones of the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
NISC looks forward to building on the successes of the past year. Technology, our communities and the industries we serve are all evolving very rapidly and we are excited to see what the future holds. It is our goal at NISC to work hard to develop solutions that help our Members provide the services their customers need to adapt and thrive, no matter what challenges tomorrow brings.
In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, NISC welcomed 39 new Members. This speaks volumes not only to the quality and strength of our technology solutions but also to your success and recommendation of NISC as a best-in-class technology partner. Growing our Membership benefits not only our new Members and their communities, but also our existing Members by allowing us to keep costs stable through economies of scale.
NISC wouldn’t be able to provide these products and service without a talented team of hard-working, dedicated employees. NISC ‘s primary asset is its employees, and the Board and leadership team are keenly aware of it. In a time where hiring and retaining employees is one of the biggest challenges businesses face, we are grateful that this year we have been successful in both hiring and training new employees and continuing to develop, educate and retain employees to better serve you.
NISC is grateful for all of our Members, partners and the relationships we’ve developed. Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to another successful year.

Kirk Trede
Eastern Iowa Light & Power
Lone Tree, IA

Doug Remboldt
President & CEO
Mandan, ND

Kirk Trede
Eastern Iowa Light & Power
Lone Tree, IA

Doug Remboldt
President & CEO
Mandan, ND
Fiscal year Timeline
July 2023
Document Management integration added to iVUE Connect – Operations Staking Persona
NISC Print Services Cloud Archive introduced, enabling storage of electronic statement images in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
NISC’s Weather Climate Service successfully migrated to AWS
august 2023
Form Builder released into iVUE Connect Operations, allowing Members to create additional Safety Forms for use with the iVUE AppSuite Tailgate feature
september 2023
Record-breaking Member Information Conference (MIC) hosted at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Denver, Colorado
NISC awarded Prairie Business Top Workplace Award
Open Authorization and Multi-Factor Authentication released for iVUE AppSuite
october 2023
Customization of symbols and colors made available in the iVUE Connect – Operations Staking Persona
NISC converted to a new cloud-based phone system and contact center
november 2023
NISC received Computerworld’s Best Places to Work in IT award
Added Document Management Artifacts activity to iVUE AppSuite Work Management
Added ability to send SMS outage notifications to customers without SmartHub accounts in Outage Management System
Measure tool added in iVUE Connect – Operations Staking Persona, allowing Members to measure at a point along a line, within a polygon or within a rectangular extent
100th Application Service Provider (ASP) Member deployed with Trustgrid
Customer Notifications added in iVUE AppSuite
Released GL Task feature for device integration for iVUE Connect Broadband Members
Added the ability for iVUE AppSuite iVUE Connect Broadband Members to manage IP address assignments for broadband devices
Added a GIS inspections element within the Compass feature of iVUE AppSuite for iVUE Utility and iVUE Connect Members
First iVUE Connect Advanced Search screen released for iVUE Connect – Operations Asset Management Persona
Broadband Device History released
iVUE AppSuite Outage Management System Set Fault Location Activity added, allowing users to mark affected spans
In-house digitizing and art services added to iGEAR’s Member and client offerings
Introduced quarterly New CEO Introduction to NISC event.
Completed the migration of all Utility Members to the redesigned SmartHub application
Published Breaking Down Silos Article in NWPPA publication.
MARCH 2024
Guided 19 Members to adopt the best practice feature Rate Validation in the Service Application through an Untapped Value campaign.
APRIL 2024
Surpassed 400 Members leveraging NISC’s Cybersecurity Services
Surpassed 950 Members utilizing NISC’s iVUE server patching services, almost 4,000 servers patched monthly
MAY 2024
First intermediate-complexity iVUE Service Broadband Member live on iVUE Connect
NISC launched Marketing Partnership Program with Pioneer Utility Resources
iVUE AppSuite’s What’s New feature began delivering important release changes directly inside the app
Broadband Members using iVUE Connect – Operations Asset Management Persona given tools for managing network connectivity en masse
Released Operations Analytics user interface rewrite
Reached parity on Secure Payments in Multi-Channel Messenger and began migrating Members to the new solution
JUNE 2024
NISC named 2024 Top Workplaces in the St. Louis area by St. Louis Post-Dispatch
NISC named a Top 10 Workplace by Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals
iGEAR processed over 6,000 orders totaling more than $1 million dollars in online sales and hosts nearly 7,000 active users in their custom online stores
Modern Tabbed Navigation released for iVUE AppSuite
NISC enhanced its DERMS Partnership Program with additions of Emulate and FlexCharging
71 Service Center enhancements were completed throughout the fiscal year
98 Business Intelligence implementations were completed
238 new Business Intelligence features were introduced
More than 40 Members adopted the new Print Services Utility Baseline Bill, an out-of-the-box statement solution offering modern designs and flexible printing
NISC Print Services hit 324 million printed statement images, 4 million capital credit checks and 878,840 Messenger letters printed
Paperless billing statements through SmartHub hit an all-time high of 62.7 million
Delivered over 200 training events (Learn It Lives, Virtual Classroom, Workshops) to 7,800 learners.
Completed 156 Business Process Consultations which helped our Members use NISC software more efficiently.
NISC Support Centers attained a 97.8% satisfaction rating.
Guided 45 Members to adopt the best practice feature Work Order Groups in the Financials Application through an Untapped Value campaign.
The management of the company is responsible for the integrity of its financial statements. These statements have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and include the best estimates and judgments of management. The company maintains a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss or unauthorized use, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management’s authorization and recorded and summarized properly.
Our independent auditors have audited the company’s financial statements. The audit is conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which require a review of the internal accounting controls and tests of accounting procedures to the extent necessary for the purpose of their audit.
To ensure complete independence, the Board of Directors selects the independent auditors and is presented with the full audit report at their regular Board meeting in September of each year.